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  • Contact Us

    Hazelbury Primary School

    Address: Haselbury Road
    London N9 9TT

    Tel: 0208 807 3140
    Headteacher: Laura Pearce

    Contact Informtation

    For general enquires or if you have any questions or suggestions about Hazelbury Primary School please contact the school office at: and our School Business Manager, Ruth Nicholls will ensure that your enquiry is dealt with.

    For media enquiries, please contact Ben Peck from Diddu Communications on 07713 517 393. 

    For information and enquires regarding work placements, work experience and volunteering at Hazelbury please contact the school office at:

    For enquires or information regarding visiting the school or training provided by the school please contact

    General Data Protection - The contact details for the Trust appointed Data Protection Officer are as follows

    Steve Durbin Connect Education Trust. Ex Cathedra Solutions Limited, email address:

    Our school has also featured on different news article which you can see below.

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