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  • Special Educational Needs (SEND)

    At Hazelbury Primary School, we pride ourselves on our inclusive ethos and we continually strive to do the best for our students, providing a broad and balanced curriculum and a safe and stimulating learning environment to ensure children of all needs and abilities make excellent progress. We prioritise early identification and use a graduated approach, as referenced in the SEND Code of Practice, to ensure that the right support is implemented at the right time.

    All teachers are committed to supporting children of varying needs through quality first teaching. As well as accessing the mainstream curriculum in the classroom, SEND pupils may also receive targeted support as their needs require, as documented in our provision map.

    Our SEND Team comprises of Hulya Zeki, our Deputy Head for Inclusion and Special Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCo) and Danielle Smith, our Assistant Headteacher for SEND and Mental Health and Wellbeing. The team are contactable via the school office by telephone on 0208 807 3140. However, in the first instance, you are encouraged to raise any questions or concerns with your child’s class teacher.

    Enfield’s Local Offer

    It is important that parents and carers are aware of Enfield’s Local Offer that is published on the local authority’s website. This provides a wealth of information about the specialist services, schools, colleges and organisations that can provide support and information for families of children and young people with SEND.

    Useful Links