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  • Governance

    Established in September 2016, the Connect Education Trust is a formal partnership between a collection of Enfield based schools.

    The overarching responsibility and accountability for governance of the Trust and its academies lies with the Board of Trustees, who meet three times a year.

    The Trustees are responsible for setting and monitoring strategic objectives, as well as ensuring compliance with charity and company law and the Trust’s funding agreement.

    The Trust Board has delegated these responsibilities to four committees, each with its own terms of reference. Chaired by a Trustee, each committee meets termly with their minutes submitted to the Board of Trustees for noting, comment and action.

    • Education
    • Safeguarding, Health and Safety and Wellbeing
    • Resources and Finance
    • Pay

    Statutory policies adopted by the Trust Board are reviewed on a rolling cycle.

    Vision, ethos and direction

    In partnership with the Executive team and the Headteachers, Trustees ensure that the culture of each school reflects the vision, ethos and direction of Connect Education Trust described in its vision and values statement.

    Be Included:” The ethos for the Connect Education Trust is strongly rooted in improving life chances of all pupils, where they can give and receive respect and have a strong sense of identity, well-being, worth and achievement. Our aspiration is that all pupils will develop the skills and attitudes necessary to prepare them for life now and in the future.

    The Connect Education Trust development plan is informed by an annual self evaluation of the Trust by Trustees, Governors and staff.

    Quality of Education

    Accountability for the educational performance of each school is delegated to the Executive team who are also responsible for promoting and monitoring standards of safeguarding and ensuring high quality professional development and staff wellbeing. The Executive team consists of the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Finance Officer, Chief Standards Officer and Chief Operations Officer.

    The Education Committee oversees the educational performance of each school and the personal development and wellbeing of pupils. The responsibility of the Education Committee is to ensure all pupils in each school receive the very best education through a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum.

    Each school has a board of Governors, comprised of parents, staff, executives and Trust appointed members. Their primary role is to enable school leaders to achieve the highest educational outcomes for all pupils, through monitoring the quality of education and by providing effective support and challenge. In cases where any school requires rapid improvement an Interim Management Board is formed in place of a Board of Governors to deliver the necessary improvements until such time the Trust Board deem appropriate.

    The Trust Board is accountable for the financial performance of each school and delegates the operational management, regulation and oversight to the Chief Finance Officer, (CFO) in accordance with scheme of delegation. The CFO reports to the Finance and Resources Committee. The Finance and Resources Committee have responsibilities for issues of finance, risk, control and governance.

    Please follow the link to the Connect Education Trust Governance page where you can find the Governance Attendance Register:

    Connect Education Trust Governance ​​​​​​

    Hazelbury Board of Governors



    Date appointed

    Term of Office

    Trust Appointed Member Chair of Governors

    Louiza Loizides 13.10.2020 12.10.2024


    Laura Pearce

    16.11.2016 N/A
    Parent Governor Member Shiv Jhala 17.4.2023 16.4.2027

    Staff Governor Member

    Melanie Bowman

    16.4.2018 15.4.2026
    Trust Appointed Governor Member Helen Brown 1.4.2023 31.3.2027
    Trust Appointed Governor Member Daniel Alldis 4.5.2021 3.5.2025
    Trust Appointed Governor Member Marie Lowen 2.9.24 1.9.2028

    Contact details for the Chair of the Hazelbury Governors are as follows: Louiza Loizides

    C/O Hazelbury Primary School, Haselbury Road, Edmonton, N9 9TT

    *There is currently a vacancy for a Parent Governor Member on the board. The school are in the process of recruitment.