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  • KS2 SATs Results 2024

    We are very proud of our children who achieved higher than children nationally overall at the end of KS2 as well as in reading, writing and spelling, grammar and punctuation. Our results show that our children make excellent progress at Hazelbury. 

    Headline figures

    Overall Attainment


    2024 Hazelbury ARE

    2024 National ARE

    Reading 76% 74%
    Writing 77% 72%
    Maths 76% 73%
    SPAG 75% 72%
    Combined 75% 61%

    Percentage of children achieving the higher standard:


    2024 Hazelbury GDS

    2024 National GDS

    Reading 36% 28%
    Writing  7% 12%
    Maths 23% 23%
    SPAG 45% 31%
    Combined 4% 7%


    Please follow the link to the performance tables for school and college performance tables across the county.