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  • Extra Curricular Activities

    27th March 2024

    Dear Parents,

    Extra-Curricular Activities – Summer 1 2024

    We have recently reviewed our offer of extra-curricular clubs as we aim to have a range of engaging clubs designed to cater to diverse interests and passions among our pupils. Extra-curricular activities are valuable as they enable your child to foster creativity, teamwork, and personal growth outside of the normal classroom sitting. We have made the decision to charge for these clubs to fund the staffing and resourcing costs.

    With this in mind we have looked at external providers who can offer additional expertise and increase our offer of clubs to children alongside clubs that will be run by Hazelbury Staff. Therefore, next half term, Sport Revolution will be running some of the different sessions. The cost therefore is £16.25 for all clubs organised by Sport Revolution for the whole half term. We believe this fee represents excellent value considering the opportunities and experiences offered through sports specialists.  

    All other clubs organised run by Hazelbury staff will cost £10 for the whole half term.

    Our extra-curricular activities will start from Monday 22nd April and run until Friday 24th May. All clubs start at 3.20pm and finish at 4.20pm. Please ensure you pick your child up promptly at the finish time. Pupils should be collected by an adult on time from their designated collection point. If your child is collected late on more than one occasion, then the place in the club may be lost. Year 5 and Year 6 pupils should not collect younger siblings from a club.

    The table below details what clubs are available and how to book a place for your child. All payments should be made via Arbor, further instructions on how to do this can be found below. You will be able to select your child’s chosen club on Thursday 28th March from 3pm. Places will be allocated on the system on a first come first served basis.  Please when selecting the clubs encourage your child to try something new. Once paid, the club will show on your child’s calendar.  When the club is full, you will no longer be able to book a place for your child.

    We encourage engagement and commitment. Therefore, we kindly ask for your child to commit to attending all sessions to ensure consistency and development of skills. This commitment ensures continuity and allows all pupils to fully benefit from the club experience. As such, refunds will not be provided for missed sessions.

    Please note that a number of our clubs are led by coaches who are not qualified teachers. Their focus lies in nurturing pupils’ interests, skills and talents. When choosing clubs, please remind your child that our expectations for behaviour remain consistent with those within the school day. Children failing to meet these expectations may lose their place in the club, therefore ensuring that the majority of children can fully engage in developing their skills and interests.

    It is important that all pupils follow our Hazelbury school values during the activities in order to ensure fun and enjoyment for all.

    Yours sincerely,

    Kathleen Cushnie

    Deputy Headteacher


    *I will ensure that my child will be picked up at 4.20pm.

    *I agree that if I am late for pick up then the place in the club may be lost

    Arbor Club booking guidance

    Step 1

    Step 2

    Step 3

    Step 4

    Step 5

    Step 6

    Step 7

    Step 8

    Step 9

    1. Add sufficient funds to cover the cost of the clubs to the ‘Payment amount’.
    2. Then add your card details
    3. Press Pay Now
    4. Payments must be made by 12 noon on Wednesday 17th April 2024 or your child’s place will be withdrawn.