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  • Parent Voice

    We take every opportunity to gain feedback from parents to make it accessible and convenient for parents to air their views. During our latest Ofsted Inspection parents were very psoitive about the school. 

    Below is a list of events where we give parents the opportunity to speak to staff about any feedback they have about Hazelbury.

    • Bring Your Grown Up To School
    • Parent Consultation
    • Coffee Mornings
    • Parent Meetings (E.g. Admissions, SATs meetings, Curriculum Meetings etc)
    • Parent Showcases
    • Parent Courses (E.g. ESOL, Money Matters, Strengthening Families, etc)

    Below are recent comments from parents collected from the events above:

    "It is great that the school keeps us updated with emails and texts so we always know what is going on in the school."

    "I am very happy with my child’s progress. I feel the teacher is pushing him to his limits and would like this to continue."

    "My child is settled and happy and I have seen him flourish in so many ways the last few months." 

    “I am very happy with the coffee mornings. I enjoy them as we can discuss issues and socialise with other parents.”

    “During Bring Your Grown Up to School the teacher interacted well with the parents and children. My daughter and I enjoyed the learning.”

    “From the school office, nursery staff to all teachers and TAs, all staff are professional, attentive and helpful.”