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  • Early Years Foundation Stage


    Our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum aims to develop a curiosity and a love for learning in each child by providing a broad and balanced education with carefully planned meaningful learning experiences that develop each child’s characteristics of learning. 

    Our ethos is to inspire and support the children to gain the knowledge and understanding they need in order put in place the building blocks for the next stage of their education. We tailor learning to their individual needs and experiences, and support them to develop the skills they need to be independent learners. 

    In line with the EYFS Framework, we aim:

    • For the best for every child
    • For high-quality care
    • For a broad, in-depth and inclusive curriculum
    • To develop independent learners
    • To identify starting points through accurate and effective assessment
    • To support children to develop self-regulation
    • To develop a strong partnership with parents.


    Our Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is based on the new EYFS framework and Development Matters. We incorporate the children’s interests through various themes, ensuring that the curriculum combines learning both in and outside of the classroom. 

    When planning and guiding the children’s learning we take into account their individual starting points and the way they learn and adjust our practice accordingly. We support the children to: 

    • Play and explore - to investigate and experience things
    • Be active learners – to develop concentration and perseverance and celebrate achievements
    • Create and think critically – to have their own ideas, develop strategies for doing things and make links between ideas. 

    We plan engaging and exciting sequences of lessons covering all seven strands of the EYFS curriculum, with a focus on developing oracy throughout all areas through high quality interactions, questioning, modelling the use of language, group work and partner work. Knowledge and skills are embedded into long term memory through meaningful learning opportunities.

    We use Tapestry to record observations of the children’s learning, which are then shared with their parents and are used to inform the next steps of learning in order to meet individual needs. 


    Our Early Years Foundation Stage setting enables children to become confident, independent, resilient and successful learners who will be ready for the next stage of their learning journey.

    Click on the links below for more information.