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  • Pupils Quiz our Local MP on Environmental Issues

    Year Four pupils speak to Kate Osamor, MP about their environmental concerns.

    Year 4 pupils welcomed Kate Osamor, our local MP to the school. They questioned her about her views on plastic pollution and the impact it is having on the environment.  One pupil asked, ‘Have you ever considered having a volunteering service for people to pick up plastic to help with plastic pollution?’ 

    Kate Osamor advised pupils to write to the Prime Minister and offered to help them, “It’s important that young people are at the forefront of this.” Kate Osamor’s message echoes Hazelbury’s ethosto inspire pupils to become model citizens of tomorrow and to understand their surroundings as well as the important role which they play in the world.At Hazelbury we want our children to feel empowered to believe that they can make a difference to their world.  No issue is too big or too small!