Latest news from Hazelbury Primary School.
The girls football team played brilliantly in their first tournament of the year!
Earning their spurs
E-safety training across the school
Hazelbury do their bit to raise money for the Macmillan Cancer fund
Saturn class went to Pymmes park as park of their science topic. The children became 'animal behaviourists', observing living things and their habitats. We may have the next David Attenborough!
Whitney class had a wonderful trip to the Science Museum in South Kensington, exploring a range of exciting activities and great shows. The 3D experience was a particular highlight.
This week, Year 6 pupils attended the Dugdale Centre to take part in the Junior Citizenship programme, an initiative run by The Metropolitan Police.
On Sunday 28th June, a group of children from Hazelbury Learning Community went to visit the Teletubbies and be filmed singing for them as part of Kaos Choir.
On 15 June, a group of children from Hazelbury went into Central London to take part in the finals of the Edmonton Glee competition.
The last maths masterclass for the year was held on 12 June at Hazelbury Learning Community.