Feedback for Learning
Pupils feel the new way in which they recieve feedback is having a great impact on their learning!
Latest news from Hazelbury Primary School.
Pupils feel the new way in which they recieve feedback is having a great impact on their learning!
Hazelbury raise money for Children in Need.
Hazelbury learnt how to prevent bullying and ensure the choices that they make are positive.
Our two Year Six children were fantastic when they participated in the local public speaking compeition!
Hazelbury are fast becoming sporting legends!
Hazelbury have been learning all about our value of safety.
Hazelbury Parliament Update from our Sapphire Family MPs
Hazelbury sports teams are showing some fantastic sporting skills!
Safety is this half terms Hazelbury Value!
Our boys football team had some special visitors!
Year Six travel to the Isle of Wight
Children enjoyed sharing their learning with their grown ups last week!