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  • Hazelbury's Latest News!

    Latest news from Hazelbury Primary School.

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    • We Celebrate National Poetry Day!

      Published 07/10/19

      Year Three pupils perform poems on National Poetry Day!

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    • Pupils Quiz our Local MP on Environmental Issues

      Published 07/10/19

      Year Four pupils speak to Kate Osamor, MP about their environmental concerns.

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    • Challenging Stereotypes

      Published 07/10/19

      Hazelbury Pupils learnt about gender equality. 

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    • Our MacMillan Coffee Morning

      Published 07/10/19

      We raised a staggering amount for MacMillan!

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    • Understanding our Community

      Published 07/10/19

      Year Three visit Enfield Food Bank to learn about how people in the communtiy help others. 

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    • Becoming Masters at Maths

      Published 07/10/19

      Pupils challenge their maths ability at special mastery maths workshops. 

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    • Appreciating Different Religions

      Published 07/10/19

      Year Five Children visit a place of worship to enhance their understanding of different faiths. 

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    • Once Upon a Dream

      Published 07/10/19

      Our pupil is a published writer!

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    • Year Six School Journey

      Published 07/10/19

      Year Six children enjoyed their residential trip!

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    • Hazelbury Open Day- 26th September

      Published 10/09/19

      We would like to invite prospective parents along to our school open day. Please see attached leaflet for details. 

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    • Welcome Back to a New School Year!

      Published 10/09/19

      Welcome back everyone to a new school year at Hazelbury!

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    • Exciting Developments at Hazelbury

      Published 10/09/19

      Children return to school to find brand new toilets, a refurbished Hazelbury restaurant and outdoor gym equipment! 

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