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Feedback for Learning

Pupils feel the new way in which they recieve feedback is having a great impact on their learning!

This year we have introduced a new way for children to receive feedback on their learning. Teachers are having daily conferences with children and are giving verbal feedback in order for children to receive immediate steps for progression. As a result, children are becoming increasingly reflective in their own learning and will correct their own answers across all subjects, both self-assessing and peer assessing their work. Our school councilors and MPs have been collecting the views of children about our new feedback system: 

“I like marking my own work, it helps me see where I have done well.” Khayrah (Lily)

“Conferencing helps us fill the gaps in our learning and get the help that we might need.” Feben (Saturn) 

“I like peer assessing because we get to write a growth mindset comment.” Tyler (Earth)