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Welcome Back to a New School Year!

Welcome back everyone to a new school year at Hazelbury!

We are delighted to welcome everyone back to a new school year at Hazelbury. The pupils that have started in our Reception classes this week have settled very well, embracing the new school routine and getting to know their teachers and classmates. To help them settle further they will each be allocated a ‘buddy’ from Year Six who will help them in and around school as well as reading with them. Our new Nursery children have also settled well and have enjoyed getting to know their new learning environments this week. Following a very successful year at Hazelbury last year, where children thrived in their education achieving fantastic results across the school, we look forward to another great year this year. There are many opportunities for you to be involved at Hazelbury this year and I look forward to seeing you joining in our events and parent meetings.

                                               Laura Pearce - Headteacher