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Sapphire MP Parliament Update

Listening to our pupil voice!

Hello, we are Havin and Anisa and we have recently been voted by Sapphire family to be their representatives in school as their family MPs. After a meeting with all of the councillors in our family, we took their views to Laura during a special MP meeting. We gained feedback from the children at Hazelbury about their home learning. They fed back that they feel that they enjoy their learning at home. Many enjoyed being able to share this with others outside of school and enjoyed being creative with the home learning tasks set.

We also discussed how important attendance at school was and have decided that as MPs, we are going to promote this in our family assemblies to encourage children to understand how important it is to be in school to learn.

All pupils discussed how we show respect and how we can promote this in school. We decided, based on the feedback, that we would have a ‘Respect Yourself’ week, where we would encourage respect through the ways in which we treat others and how we treat the learning environment around us. We have also decided to have respect trees for each year group. Each class will have a ‘respect yourself’ box where they can write a name and how that person has shown respect. This will be displayed on our respect yourself tree for everyone to be proud of!