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E-safety training

E-safety training across the school

On Friday 2nd October, Ashley from Education Child Protection Ltd spent the day with us delivering very informative and helpful sessions on how to stay safe online.

He began with a well-attended information session for parents and carers which aimed to give them help with ensuring their children always use the internet and social media safely. The presentation from that session will shortly be available on the website which will help you to find out more.

Ashley then spent time with all the Year 5 children talking to them about how their use of the internet and social media must always take account of the dangers that can lurk there if they are not used sensibly. He showed the film 'Jigsaw' from the Thinkuknow website which had a very clear message about the dangers of revealing too much personal information online. 

In the afternoon, he talked to Year 2 about how they use the internet and what they need to be aware of to stay safe. They enjoyed the rap about personal information that must be kept 'Top secret' - ask them if they can remember it! They also watched a video called 'Safety Smart' which helped them to understand the issue further.